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What Makes a Pampered Lionhead

Welcome to Pampered Lionheads Rabbitry! We raise show quality lionhead rabbits in the Southern U.S. We have been raising lionheads since 2020 and have won several Reserve in Shows and a Best in Show. We are members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), National American Lionhead Rabbit Club (NALRC), Lower Appalachian Lionhead Rabbit Club (LALRC), and lifetime members of Inclusivity Rabbit Breeders Association (IRBA). We have formally been on the Board of Directors for LALRC and IRBA.


Lionheads are an easy breed to raise and groom. We chose lionhead because of their majestic look and small stature. We currently work with lionheads and a pair of Jersey Woolies, but have future projects in the works. We breed for our lionheads to be in their prime during ARBA convention and NALRC nationals. Currently, we produce all showable varieties (colors) of lionheads. We have four color programs: Blue-Eyed White (BEW), Blue, Chocolate, and Shaded. We focus on BEWs and Blues, hoping to help pass the varieties.


We have had a successful start to our show journey, making a nice splash in 2022! We ranked 10th in sweepstakes points and 8th (tied) in quality points in NALRC. We also won Reserve in Show in December, and one of our rabbits won Best in Show under a youth breeder in October 2022. In 2024, we won our first Best in Show!


We do work with transports and if you are on the way or at a show we attend, we can drop them off. We also transport for show breeders and tattoo at shows. You can see what we feed, their toys, and our grooming practices in our blog. Contact us with any questions you may have.


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